Does it bother anyone, other than me, how the security personnel at the malls go through your bags ? I mean, it's one thing that we're probably the only country in the world where a shopping mall is treated , with regards to security regulations, as an airport; with the dogs sniffing around your car before you enter the parking lot, metal detector gates that you pass through, machines to monitor your bags/purse at every entry..etc. It's completely another thing that although they have those huge complex machines which you put your bag on to be monitored, they never use them, and instead they have some girl in a security uniform, who is totally ignorant about everything in life , let alone items that breach security, go through my handbag watching my purse, makeup, USB stick, laptop..etc. I find it really annoying. It has been annoying me for a while but last night , it got on my nerve big time. The girl actually was touching my stuff , messing my bag, not just looking in. The machines at least do not expose your private stuff, they will only beep/detect things that are potentially "harmful", no? And I made a decision, I will no longer tolerate this in silence.(in my own mind, crowds are cheering). Why should random people go through our stuff. (Hear hear!) Realistically, I know that I will not change this annoying trend on my own, but at least, I can give each and every security person, a piece of my mind before going through my handbag. Who do they think they are to expose my privacy? (roaring in the crowds) Are you with me? (Yes!) I say , are you with me? (Yes!)
(in my own mind, I am causing change!)