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Showing posts from December, 2011


A few years back, I read that if you want to succeed in life, surround yourself by successful people. If you want happiness, surround yourself by happy people, and so forth. I'm happy to say, that I'm glad I followed this piece of advice, I feel happier and more confident that I'm in the right direction in life with the newer people I meet. More people with similar interests, ambition and amazingly background. I constantly feel inspired, challenged and renewed. That's a good thing ! The down side is that most of my newly found friends are much younger. I feel I'm starting my 'new me' too late. I should have done that change like 6 years ago. That being said, one might say experience makes you wiser and more mature, which is another good thing. The down side of that equation, is that apparently I come off as too snobbish; experienced, wise, happy and with the illusion of success. Apparently, that scares people off. Do I mind? Sometimes; it does get lonely

It's usually a cycle

You know, it's usually a cycle I keep going through. I miss you then don't then do all over again. But this time, it's different; I lost interest. I can play those silly games we usually play but deep down inside, you no longer move me, even when you try. I'm turning to stone... and it's because of you.