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Showing posts from August, 2007

Love does exist

I'd like to share with you some "real" stuff , that I just knew recently, that prove that love does exist. I wont mention names, because most people value their privacy. *One* They've been together around 4 years, they still wear matching flip flops and Nike sweatshirts. *Two* They face tons of problems everyday, just a sample of which will cause any couple to get a divorce. After she cries her eyes out blaming the entire world on her misfortune; she'd tell us; "Still, God has compensated me for all the misery by having him in my life." *Three* He has been dead 6 years now. She still wears black, celebrates their anniversary, and says that she has never met anyone half the man he is. *Four* They've been married almost 30 years now, the kids are in their twenties. And even though they feel they are oceans apart, he still takes her out for coffee every other week. They have been seen to hold hands while going out on these scarce but genuine dates. *F

Random facts

I like Sundays, Wednesdays and Saturdays. I hate summer. Denim and chocolate; the darker the better I don't read politics, biographies nor history. I want to save enough money to take 6 months off and travel round the world. I like almost all colors except yellow and orange I can never have enough whites or blacks in my closet My next car will probably be a big black SUV. I prefer silver to gold I want to learn French and Classical Arabic I don't have a favorite anything; music, movies, food, desserts, drinks... they all depend on my mood. I've been in a relationship 4 times and had 9 crushes that never materialized. I love the British Accent. I tired many sports but the two I enjoyed most were, kickboxing and ballet. My retirement project will most probably be a bistro! I love art, but have no talent whatsoever. Both my parents are Leos and both my siblings are Sagittariuses, you can imagine the kind of life I have. I consider myself, no matter what anyone else thinks, th

Six degrees of separation; a contemprory fairytale of love at first sight and happily ever afters.

He never liked the north coast much, it's the same Cairo social scene, just in a different location. Where the cool hangout are, what's trendy this summer and what's not, everywhere is too crowded. His ideal vacation was somewhere quite, distant, and peaceful; somewhere where he can just sit on the beach , read a book and jump in the water when he feels like it. But this time he just needed to get away. He traveled with his family for the weekend but had the usual semi-annual argument. “Mustafa, it's time for you to come back home, find a decent girl, get married, start a family. Your parents aren't getting any younger and they need you”, his aunts and uncles would say. But then, the Egyptian people drive him nuts. Whenever they sit together, they will start complaining about everything in Egypt and how this country is hopeless. Then they tell him come back... come back to what! And Why!?! They would start gossiping about the increased number of divorces and


The Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy has this to say about Ku: Ku is a scale which helps classify people. Some people have high Ku, some people have average and some have low Ku. The Ku scale is not an indication whether the person is good or evil, nice or nasty and by all means does not tell how one likes or dislike another person. Ku is a virtual substance, which means it can not be seen, felt, smelt, heard or tasted. However, if it were real, it would have been soft, rubber-like, hazelnut-smelling, glow in the dark green substance which if seen under a microscope with very high intensity , it's molecules will look like strings of Nemo-like fishes swimming around aimlessly in circles. Caution: If in the rarest chance you come across some Ku in a sealed test tube and are curious enough to unseal it. Beware of the following: Under no circumstances are you to unseal it by cutting the blue wire. If you cut the blue wire, all the Ku will escape out of the tube, turn into purpl

A movie and a concert... reviews!

I went to Wust el Balad concert at the citadel which was a shame really. It took them ages to tune up their instruments since there electricity obviously was a problem. They played 3 songs and in the forth, the electricity just cut off. The band being so pissed off, just excused themselves and left. We, the audience, were furious. I mean, sure the concert was free, but you know, I was really in the mood for it. Well anyway, the cool thing about this sample concert was the diversity in socio-economic classes. Everyone was there, the simpletons and sophisticated. There were people from all classes, it was very impressive how a woman in a traditional simple galabeya would dance in her chair to the music , or how a little 3-year old boy would sing to their tunes. It gives me the idea that maybe in a few years time, a new generation of artists who have been subjected to music since their childhood and come from different backgrounds than the privileged few in our generation. I also went to

Globalization and a concert

Last night I met a friend and her cousin after work. My friend has just came back from Denmark and her half Swedish cousin has just been back from the US. We had Indian food for lunch, went to a Cuban band's fusion concert at Cairo's Citadel. That's Globalization ! The concert was one of Fathy Salama's new projects. Now Fathy Salama is an extra ordinary artist, looks like a Rastafari and is always (IMHO) either drunk or high. So (again IMHO) he is to be heard not seen. However, the kind of music that he and his band plays is the type that you like to listen to live not in playback, which defies the first observation. Hence, you find yourself in a catch-22 situation. Anyway, so this concert was a new fusion project between Fathy Salama and a Cuban band. Naturally when you hear the term "Cuban Band" you think amazing fast beat Rumba music.To my disappointment, it was just slow and mellow. I was apparently thinking Pina Colada on the beach and Cuban Cigars, wh

The witch of Portobello and other works of Paulo Coelho

I just finished reading The Witch of Portobello by Paulo Coelho. What I typically expect from Coelho is an interesting easy read that can never go seriously wrong. A Paulo Coelho is a safe bet. I read most of his work.. My favorites are: Veronika decides to die, By the river Piedra I sat down and wept, and most importantly, The devil and miss Prym ; which I thought exercises the mind beyond entertainment into questioning our very own ethics. I was, when I first read it, over the moon with the Alchemist but I grew to dislike it when I came to terms with the fact that, unlike what he says, the world DOES NOT conspire to make your dreams come true no matter how bad you want them and are willing to try. I couldn't relate to Al Zahir but it was a good read. However, it's not on my to-read-again list. Eleven minutes, though was too explicit for my taste, was an eye-opener to the soul. It taught me how to analyze the motives behind taking certain decisions and to put myself in ot

Thoughts in retrospect

The following thoughts have been in my draft for quite sometime.. Fear of commitment = fear of commitment... Special Dedication to K in Toronto! The decision making process is quite and exhausting process, especially when you think about major things in life. I usually tend to drift with the flow, rather than having to stop and think about things.. mind you.. I usually know what I want the first instant that the situation is explained to me. However, at two points in my life, I had to stop and think about which choice to take...first incident was when I had to chose a major at university (I'm not sure I took the right decision, but right now, I can't see my life heading any other way) and the second incident was a couple of weeks back when I had to think about whether to fight or to let go. I decided to let go... that takes us to the next point. There is a major difference , in my opinion, between giving up and letting go. Giving up, is when you run out of resources and ideas a

Fear of falling apart

"It's not healthy that you're acting so calm", a friend of mine tells me with genuine care and support. "But I'm not acting", I say, "I really am calm" She gives me the look that says hey-I-know-you-better-then-that But seriously, I am calm. I'm not faking that...I mean I do fake some things , but one can't fake their state of mind, can they? The thing is.. since that nasty Thursday... I've been feeling quite calm... not the peaceful kind of calm but the numb kind of calm... like I am in a bubble... nothing can make me sad.. nothing can shock me... and nothing can make me happy either. I fail to have fun.. but I can try to waste so many evenings being pleasant. It's not that I don't talk about it or admit that it actually happened. I do admit, and I talk about it discreetly to some few close friends. But I keep getting feeling that one day , I wont be able to be "calm" anymore. And that day, I'll just fall apa


I went on a trip with my family to Portugal, left on a Saturday, got sick Sunday with a bad flu, Monday it became a major influenza and by Wednesday I had fever (btw.. i never get fevers.. even when i'm really really sick.. cold blooded). Previous to the fever, I had been having trouble sleeping (sooo unlike me) and head really bad headaches (that one is very like me.. i get headaches when i'm tense ) But on that Wednesday I got so tired I was not even capable of moving. Although I was pretending to be okay, going out on expeditions and all so as not to ruin my vacation by getting sick, that afternoon I had to give in. I lay in bed, reading the book I had gone half way through in the airplane The City of the dreaming books , and I started Hallucinating! It was scary... it was like my mind was racing against time... I was trying to make a du3aa to Allah, and in the middle of each sentence, words came out of my mind for the closure speech for my ex , then I got distracted by the