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Showing posts from December, 2007

She said/He said

(1) She said: Remember how you told me that I should pursue a job that I actually enjoy not just one that I'm good at. I actually took your advise ; I quit my boring monotonous job a couple of weeks ago and decided to take time off and discover what I enjoy doing best. And guess what, I discovered I looovvveee to cook. I'm not sure how I will turn it into a job yet; I'll figure it out , eventually. But, honestly, I have you to thank. I never realized how I could be so happy just by doing simple things. (2) He said: I was flipping channels the other day and I saw her show. As a professional chef, you see, I don't usually pause on cooking shows, these are for amateurs. I'm not sure why I paused; I think it was the way she looked. I don't know, she isn't that beautiful in terms of physical beauty, but there's something about her. She's so passionate about her cooking. She makes Spanish omelet sound like the grandest gourmet meal. I know that this would

Old Posts: So Suffer

This old post is one of my favorites, an output to bitter feelings. It's a bit scary and twisted, but i was in one of those moods So suffer! I will get my revenge I will make you suffer I will absorb you Yes, your very soul. Your smiles, your laughter, your every joy. And you will want me But you will fear me And there will be a part of you always longing for me You wanted my love, my attention, my obsession Now you have it, So suffer! January 3rd, 2005

Foolish Games

I can't remember if I blogged this song before or not and I really don't care; I absolutely love it. I'd almost call it my favorite song, but we all know how my mood swings can affect my taste. First time I heard it I think was inhigh school. It just clicked, though , then I couldn't relate to it in any way, but I just understood what she meant. Now, I realized, this is the typical pattern of person I fall for everytime. The " always the mysterious one with, dark eyes and careless hair " is my typical physical description of a special someone to my friends, " brilliant " is a quality I can't go without, " smoking your cigarettes and talking over coffee " is the part that confuses me.. why do I always fall for smokers when I have serious objections to the principal, " philosophies on art, Baroque moved you, you loved Mozart " is for the fact that I tend to go for the cultured sophisticated type, who happen to have the opposite

Old Posts: I wish I had your life

-I wish I had your life! -That's funny coming from someone like you. -I've always wanted your life -I was too scared to want yours. -You were stable, straightforward and content. -You always did what I never dared to do. Your life was a fairytale for me. -You kept the friends you had since pre-school. I never had a friend for longer than a year. -Yes, but any of your friends have more interesting stories than all of mine combined. -Everyone adores you. You've been the best friend everybody wanted. -I always gave. You always received. I sometimes wonder what it would be like to be on the other side. -You're a success. You have a great job, and a promising career. -Career! You had more interesting jobs than I knew existed. -Yeah, but nothing lasted. -You were building experience -Naah, I just got bored. Now, I'm too old to start over and too young to retire. -But your name was known. I'm just one of the ants -But at least you can support yourself. I'm either i

A tribute to my loser friends

Pre-London, I had many groups of friends, each with their own mindset, sense of style, definition of what's cool and what's not, what's wrong and what's right, what is fun..etc. I used to try so hard to belong to each of these groups , to fit in only to realize that I was just a little bit different. Yes, they are all my friends. Yes , I have a lot in common with them. But there was just something missing. I always felt like something was missing, no one understood what I felt, what I want ...etc. I made it a point to prove I was different than everyone I met. Post-London, I had much more groups of friends, again, each with their own everything. I refused to admit I belonged to any particular one, but naturally, I found myself at ease with everyone. I believed in the concept of "one", that we are all the same, no matter how much we claimed otherwise. I made it a point whenever people would say that I was every other person. When people would say that I change