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Showing posts from October, 2008

حالة سعادة و فخر

انا سمعت خبر حكم السجن على المتحرش يوم الاربعاء الى فات , يعنى متأخر يوم , و كنت فى غاية السعادة : جايز عشان حسييت انى اخدت ثأر سنين الجامعة كلها .الحقيقة , انا عمرى ما كنت فهمة موضوع الثأر ده, يعني مكنتش ممكن عمري اتصور انى اتمنى لحد شر حتى لو جرحنى , بس صراحة , لما حكموا على الراجل انا حسييت بنوع غريب من السعادة , جايز الثأر و جايز شماتة برده. شبه الاحساس بالشماتة فى الى يكسر عليا و أنا سائقة علشان اول ما يعدى يلبس فى عمود نور مش حكاية ان انا شريرة والله بس مجرد احساس بالعدل الالهى. ما علينا , طبعا قعدت أقول لنفسى متفرحيش اوى يا ياسمين, علشان واضح ان ده رد فعل سريع للى حصل فى شارع جامعة الدول العيد الى فات و فى وسط البلد العيد الى قبله (الى هما انكروه في ساعتها و قالوا مش ممكن , دي مش أخلقنا ,و بعديين رجعوا يستشهدوا به السنة دى). قد يكون ده قرار من الحكومة علشان تلم الموضوع او وحاحد قاضى ابن حلال لى زوجة او بنت او اخت خايف عليها ( و دى بقيت حالة نادرة جدا طبعا فى المجتمع لأن محدش بيفكر فى امه و اخته دلوقتى ما دام فى موزة ماشية قدامه). او قد تكون نهى رشدى فعلا معاها وسطة جلبتلها

Relaxed but Productive weekend!

This weekend was brilliant. Seriously, it was full. I had dinner with Mona, who is here from Denmark for a week, then we walked around Virigin and I managed to be a good girl and not buy anything for a change (yes... trying to recover from my shopping addiction). Mona is my let's-try-something-new friend; we've been to concerts together, photo shoots, and other more or less traditional endeavors. Mona, who is unique , in everyway, left a major gap in my life when she got married and left to Denmark, but we like her husband,and we are so happy she's happy, so we decided to live with the fact that she's not here and stay in touch via facebook messages. And before you ask, we, being our humbleness Yasmine hanem El-Mehairy.Then Friday was a stay-at-home and bonding-with-sister morning, where all plans to go to the gym/track where destroyed by me just being lazy. The night was so cool, I visited Haboosha, my friend for 20 years, who although I don't meet often, once we

Out of words

I've been suffering from an "out of words" syndrome, where I can't find anything to write. Actually, to be more elaborate, I've been suffereing from a "don't feel like writing" syndrome. At first, I thought, maybe because I'm really busy ; Ramadan , work and all, but it's way simpler than that.. I just lost the will to write. I won'y say it came all of a sudden, I actually felt it coming, sneaking in slowly. I couldn't prevent it though. I'm not sure how long that will last, but I'm the kind of person that doesn't calm down unless there's some sort of creative output (or at least output ) for everything; Ku , my energy, my life, my need to share,... you name it. So, I searched and searched for a new output for the Ku and then it presented itself to me: Card Making! Not only did I find a new idea, but I fell in love with it, and got obsessed about it. It reminds me of when I was a little girl, when making crafts was my