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Showing posts from May, 2008

A revelation

I've been having a couple of bad days lately, which I'm sure you all noticed. But.. and yes, luckily there is a major but. But, today I had a revelation. I'll walk you down my trail of thoughts so try not to get confused: 1- I woke up today and stood on the scale and saw a pleasant drop in my weight. Good start for the day. 2-You know how a while a ago I boycotted all hairdressers , and thought that I was standing up for what I believed in and made a whole big deal about it --> I was wrong 3-Knowing that all the people who I have been attracted to/had a crush on/been in a relationship with, were/are idiots(that was a conclusion based on a conversation with B, where we went through my romantic history and realized that what all of them had in common was in fact, that they are all idiots for leaving a magnificent person like myself) 4- A few years back, it was a ritual to have my hair cut or colored after ever relationship/crush that went wrong. I stopped practicing th


When you're really hurt and pissed off, all you can think about is your rage. The more you think about it , the more you feel hurt and that pisses you off more. So how does this rage and hurt go away, time! One of my biggest fears yet most admired truth..time! Lots and lots of time. Sometimes however, some weird incident happens that speeds up the recovery. Unfortunately, these weird incidents always end up being unpleasant , like death, sickness, family problems or things like that. Incidents that remind you how life is so not worth the anger. However, on very rare times, you want someone to go out of their way for you. Just to step out of their convenient safety zone, just to make you feel better.. this itself makes you forget everything and move on.. the will to make you feel better actually makes you feel better... isn't that amazing? Or am I just a sucker for happy endings. I don't wanna loose more friends or family or whatever.. I am capable of forgiveness and I want

Addicted to Grey's anatomy and other random theories

So last week, Boody got me the first two seasons of Grey's anatomy. In normal circumstances, movies and series stay on my laptop till the end of time before I actually get myself to start watching. But since these last few days have just been too much for me to handle , you just look for distraction. If you're wondering why the last few days suck, I'll just say I have 4 different kinds of problems:( guy problems, work problems, health problems, and family problems. When it rains.... it pours. And Grey's anatomy doesn't make it any better. It started out as a simple, one episode before I go to bed, then the one episode became 4, intercepted with a cup of home-made Chai (which I learnt how to do, but haven't perfected yet). Followed by 5 episodes the next day , along with a cup of white chocolate and coconut frescato from Costa and a piece of tiramisu cake that doesn't even remotely stand a competing chance with that of coffee bean and tea leaf, but I was crav

لاء بأة

لاء بأة مش بحبك و مش وحشنى خالص و مش فرقه معايا اشوفك ولا لاء و مش مهم تكلمنى ولا لاء و بعيدين يعنى مش فهمه , هو الى خلقك يعنى مخلقش غيرك طز انا اصلا مبفكرش فيك ولا بحلم بيك و لا بتيجى على بالى اصلا يعنى ولا بستنى مكلمتك كل يوم ولا حتى بتفرق معايا انك يفوت اسبوع متتصلش يا سلام يعنى ليه انت فاهم انى الثلاثة ثوانى الى بشوف فيهم عنيك بيخلوا قلبى يرفرف زى الفراشة بين ضلوعى و ليه متصور انك لما بتبتسم بحس انى زي العيال الصغيرة جبت النمرة النهائية في الامتحان بالمناسبة كل دى تهئات فى دماغاك انت بس دا حتى انت مش فارق معايا ولا بيهمنى انت كويس ولا لاء و مبسوط ولا لاء ولا كأن لما بتزعل بيهون عليا اطبق فى زمارة رقبت اللى بيزعلك حتى لو كنت انا شخصيا انا بس عندى ليك سؤال واحد ليه انت عارف كل ده و انا حتى معرفش اذا انت عارف انت مين ؟ مش ونبى ده اسمه ظلم و فى الختام مبحبكش ياسمين

Theme of the week

It is a pretty annoying week; full of all sorts of tiny inconveniences that are guaranteed to annoy the hell out of me; weddings , suitors , dates , fights with parent, which naturally ends up in me spending more time at work than i need to, doing mostly nothing. Thing is.. when are people going to give up on me needing a partner? Why is it just so hard to accept I am happy as is? Yes, I do have occasional moments of loneliness but I got him to think about to pass time. So there's potential suitor X, who has nothing interesting about him, but I'll go see him anyway because I need to settle some scores with my mum. I call my cousin to tell her about this whole ordeal, so she tells me, she, too, wants to introduce me to Y. Y sounds like an interesting person but through inquiring, we discovered 1-he is an optician (and we all know I have a thing against doctors), 2- although he can tolerate w working wife, he can't accept a career woman. which of course is a complete no no no

It's not easy

A while back I decided that; I am ,and must always be, a happy person. Naturally, this is easier said than done. You face the weirdest situations in life and you feel so close to giving in and becoming sad, but I decided no! Old zeww, would have wrote down in the post why she hates the world around her.. the new zeww, will share with you Elliah Abo Madi's lovely poem أيهذا الشاكي أيهذا الشاكي ، وما بك داء كيف تغدو إذا غدوت عليلا إن شر الجناة في الأرض نفس تتوقى قبل الرحيل الرحيلا وترى الشوك في الورود وتغمى أن ترى فوقها الندى إكليلا هو عب‏ء على الحياة ثقيل من يظن الحياة عب‏ء ثقيلا والذي نفسه بغير جمال لا يرى في الحياة شيئا جميلا فتمتع بالصبح ما دمت فيه لا تخف أن يزول حتى يزولا أيهذا الشاكي وما بك داء كن جميلا ترى الوجود جميلا إيليا أبو ماضي