The intro:
A good friend told me, "Yasmine, there are no winners here. Just cut the chase, go down with your boots on and get it over with". And he was right (and I am soooooo grateful). I did go down to the bottom of the matter, but with a smile and high heals.
The upside:
1- I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest
2- They feel happy and proud and flattered. It feels amazing to make a person you care about feel special, no?
3- We agreed to move beyond that point *somehow*
4- I was not a desperate (I hope) looser who sings zalmooh and cry themselves to sleep, I was me ; the fun, casual but caring me.
5- The conversation went smooth and fun; we even made jokes of it. No tension or pressure was built.
6- It was the right thing to do!
The downside:
1- The conversation left lots of questions unanswered, for both parties.
2- Now I have to meet expectations of being "emotionally mature", so in other words, I lost my right to go girlie or emotional.
3- I'm not even sure I know how to implement the *somehow* I mentioned, although it was my suggestion in the first place. (But hey.. I'll figure out a way)
4- The conversation got me more hooked than ever, they were amazing at handling the situation... they always are!
5- I'll miss all the fun parts (but then again, it will be just a matter of time to get used to that.)
6- The insomnia isn't getting better (but it is still too early to judge)
Although it's a tie between the upside and the downside; it being the right thing to do is enough to make the upside win!
No regrets!
A good friend told me, "Yasmine, there are no winners here. Just cut the chase, go down with your boots on and get it over with". And he was right (and I am soooooo grateful). I did go down to the bottom of the matter, but with a smile and high heals.
The upside:
1- I feel like a weight has been lifted off my chest
2- They feel happy and proud and flattered. It feels amazing to make a person you care about feel special, no?
3- We agreed to move beyond that point *somehow*
4- I was not a desperate (I hope) looser who sings zalmooh and cry themselves to sleep, I was me ; the fun, casual but caring me.
5- The conversation went smooth and fun; we even made jokes of it. No tension or pressure was built.
6- It was the right thing to do!
The downside:
1- The conversation left lots of questions unanswered, for both parties.
2- Now I have to meet expectations of being "emotionally mature", so in other words, I lost my right to go girlie or emotional.
3- I'm not even sure I know how to implement the *somehow* I mentioned, although it was my suggestion in the first place. (But hey.. I'll figure out a way)
4- The conversation got me more hooked than ever, they were amazing at handling the situation... they always are!
5- I'll miss all the fun parts (but then again, it will be just a matter of time to get used to that.)
6- The insomnia isn't getting better (but it is still too early to judge)
Although it's a tie between the upside and the downside; it being the right thing to do is enough to make the upside win!
No regrets!
(and I accept any curse you say in response to that, it's a disease i cannot help it :))
... this post is about me sa7 sa7?