I think I read it's plot on Wikipedia a long time ago (a sad habit I have), but have always delayed watching it (mostly coincidence but sometimes consciously). I think I didn't want to watch a movie that confirms my fears. It hurts when it's confirmed movies, you see, cause they usually let you dream. So when they say it straight to your face, it really hurts.
Tom fell in love with Summer, but for her, he was just a transition.
I hate Summer. I really do. Who does she think she is? She does things that hurt other people just because "she wanted to". She knew he was in love with her and she danced with him. Talk about giving wrong signals. And what really pissed me off, is her going to "his place". It's his place for God's sake, she knew she would bump into him there. Why is she being so selfish! Khalas, you don't want the guy, let him be. Give him space to get a life without you. Really pissed me off to be honest.
That said, it's a great movie , the directing, soundtrack, and even choice of cast is magnificent. Kudos for Joseph Gordon-Levitt, impressive!
And at the end, life goes on, doesn't it? At least that's what the movie wants to say.
أنتي طريقتك في الكتابة جميلة
وكتير بتوصفي المشاعر والتفاصيل بشكل
أكثر من رائع
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من خواطر قصيرة
إلى قصص كاملة من تأليفك
مساءالفل عليكي :)
نسمة فاضل