Warning.. this is a LONG post!
Today, was my last working day at ITWorx. It was a fun filled day , just touring around the company in peace chatting with my friends as everyone wished me good luck (some sincere, some just had to say it), but anyway.. it was nice. It's been a relief for me to actually leave ITWorx, not that it's a bad company or anything, its that I have been quite down at work for the last 8 months and it seemed that it was time to move on. I usually have this delay issue, where I dont "feel" things right away, but it starts hitting me long after it has passed. So , so far, I'm just thrilled about the change, the new job and starting a new chapter of my life. It's been 2 and a half years at ITWorx full of events and friends among other things. But today, as I moved my mug out o the 2nd floor kitchen as I was heading to my car, I could vividly remember the whole of those 2 and half years passing right in front of my eyes. It's been a mixture of times, emotions and you know.. a huge WOW as i remembered all the things that have passed.
I remember the day of my interview when I marketed myself to the management. I remember my first day, my first location between two cubicles, my first task... I remember the start of a great friendship that turned into a great romance and eventually turned into a great pain. I remember when Nag joined then Cookie and the start of a "gang" with Mahfouz, Chris , Kareem Moustafa. I remember another great gang with Hamba, Mekks, Nader, Ingy, Ayooy, aya , May Hamba. And other great gangs and other great things. I rememeber Hurghada trip, lunchs at MacDonald's, deliveries from Peking. I remember Costa Coffee and holding hands on the way to work. I remember walks with Haboosh or Nag around the company to put off some steam when we're angry about our bosses or something. I remember how I would spend all day chatting on msn while working with Nora or Racha and I remember selecting the perfect timing to pray so the room isnt too crowded or too empty.I remember Nag's frog prince (http://zeww.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!B14D3364F7F0FFE1!110.entry) , my red and pink flower, the smiley watch, the chocolate booklet which miraculously disappeared. I remember the millions of times we complained about Chef Emad's cooking yet always going back when we felt too lazy or too broke to order something else. And I remember several farewell's , brithdays , surprises and all sort of events. Then the new group of people who came at later phases but are still great, shimo, sandy , emad, Kooki...etc. I remember leaving to Dubai, and coming back.. Getting engaged, breaking up... all that happened in ITWorx.
And as hard as I try not to relate places to people but how can I not, when most of the poeple I met at ITWorx helped change my life. The sad thing is.. I came to ITWorx 2.5 years ago, healing from a broken heart, not sure where life would take me next and not sure what I want to do. Now, 2.5 years, here I am, leaving ITWox, healing from a broken heart, not sure where life would take me next and not sure what I want to do.. ironic, isnt it?! But I guess that's life.. I'm attaching some pics.. from itworx outings, trips, events or just stuff!
hurgada trip safari ride (where i broke my arm)
Wolypmics 2005 winner team
Nag and I some random day at the office
Leaving day pics!
Leaving day pics! (notice the yellow smiley clock)
Leaving day pics!
wow.... :D
Seeing this made me realize.. We go a looooooooooong way back.. (and we have some really cool pics, some of which i didnt know existed!)
Here's to you ZawZaw...
Amazin blog ya zeww... i luv the pics...
i just realised... Im really gonna miss u ya bent... *sniff*
Good luck zeww... and keep in touch alwayz... :):)
I knew about your leaving very late, on Thursday akher el nahar khales and by a complete coincidence.
Kan nefsi asallem 3leiki before leaving to say goodbye and good luck.
Please, whenever you pass by, let me know.
Kisses ya zeww.