With my new job, I changed work location from Dokki, to Garden City. With the major parking issues in Garden City, I thought I'll park at the other side of Al Qasr Al Einy Street and walk a a couple of mins to the office. Aside from the fact that I failed at that horrendously , it's the walk that is important.
The walk to the office would last from 5 to 15 mins depending on how far I parked. During this short walk, I'd watch people and what they do. Students going to school or university, people heading to work, random people just there in the street for no particular reason, people at an 2ahwa (local cafe), police officers, car keepers, doormen,...etc. That made me realize something, ragol al share3 al masry (By that I mean anonymous random people in the street, a friend doesnt count, neither someone you see in the office but don't know their name. I'm talking about the guy in the street that knows he will never see you again)
Ragol Al Share3 Al Masry will see a woman;evaluate her age, appearance, ..etc thekeep staring at her and meanwhile do one of the following
(a) Take the angry religious approach:
استغفر اللله العظيم من كل ذنب عظيم
ربنا يهديكي و يسترك
(b) The shy mo3aksa approach:
ايه الحلاوة دي
نهارنا ابيض
or simple words which could mean or anything or nothing just to make sure the female hears them.
(c) The rude mo3aksa approach which I won't mention examples and is usually is boarder-lined with abuse. The more one understands what they say, the more it embarrasses, hurts, and annoys the female. When I was younger, I couldn't understand, life appeared way more beautiful.
(d) The religious approach mo3aksa which I think is brand new. It's kind of creative to link the two new trends: fake religion and lack of manners
تباراك الله في خلقه , يا رب ارزقنا واحدة من دول
(e) The social mo3aksa approach, in case he is with a friend, or sitting at an 2ahwa...
بالك يا واد يا محسن , انا لو ربنا ادانى واحدة زي ال *** الي هناك , والله لاتعدل و
شوفتوا ال *** الى هناك يا رجالة
And they'll say it once the female had passed them, but not too far to make sure he hears them.
Then there are two special cases that take place if the female is riding an expensive car, or looks foreign, or rich...etc. Both involve trying to make money off her..
(f) By emotional abuse, begging..etc
(g) By picking a fight, hitting her car, making a scene where by-passers will always gather and blame the rich female (its a hidden law of the street) , which they expect, she'll just buy her way out of and save herself the embarrassment or the time.
As I said, I know that there are many decent "ragol al share3 al masry", but so far, in this country, I have not seen one "ragol el share3 al masry" man enough to try to stop the above from happening. The best they do, is mind their own business.
Anyway, it's like, if I ever had any doubt, I am now sure, it will never get better. I hate this country.
The walk to the office would last from 5 to 15 mins depending on how far I parked. During this short walk, I'd watch people and what they do. Students going to school or university, people heading to work, random people just there in the street for no particular reason, people at an 2ahwa (local cafe), police officers, car keepers, doormen,...etc. That made me realize something, ragol al share3 al masry (By that I mean anonymous random people in the street, a friend doesnt count, neither someone you see in the office but don't know their name. I'm talking about the guy in the street that knows he will never see you again)
Ragol Al Share3 Al Masry will see a woman;evaluate her age, appearance, ..etc thekeep staring at her and meanwhile do one of the following
(a) Take the angry religious approach:
استغفر اللله العظيم من كل ذنب عظيم
ربنا يهديكي و يسترك
(b) The shy mo3aksa approach:
ايه الحلاوة دي
نهارنا ابيض
or simple words which could mean or anything or nothing just to make sure the female hears them.
(c) The rude mo3aksa approach which I won't mention examples and is usually is boarder-lined with abuse. The more one understands what they say, the more it embarrasses, hurts, and annoys the female. When I was younger, I couldn't understand, life appeared way more beautiful.
(d) The religious approach mo3aksa which I think is brand new. It's kind of creative to link the two new trends: fake religion and lack of manners
تباراك الله في خلقه , يا رب ارزقنا واحدة من دول
(e) The social mo3aksa approach, in case he is with a friend, or sitting at an 2ahwa...
بالك يا واد يا محسن , انا لو ربنا ادانى واحدة زي ال *** الي هناك , والله لاتعدل و
شوفتوا ال *** الى هناك يا رجالة
And they'll say it once the female had passed them, but not too far to make sure he hears them.
Then there are two special cases that take place if the female is riding an expensive car, or looks foreign, or rich...etc. Both involve trying to make money off her..
(f) By emotional abuse, begging..etc
(g) By picking a fight, hitting her car, making a scene where by-passers will always gather and blame the rich female (its a hidden law of the street) , which they expect, she'll just buy her way out of and save herself the embarrassment or the time.
As I said, I know that there are many decent "ragol al share3 al masry", but so far, in this country, I have not seen one "ragol el share3 al masry" man enough to try to stop the above from happening. The best they do, is mind their own business.
Anyway, it's like, if I ever had any doubt, I am now sure, it will never get better. I hate this country.
Extraordinarily, one police officer once accompanied me when I complained to him that some guy pulled at my shirt, and when we didn't find the guy he told me to turn to him if I ever see him again.