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Showing posts from November, 2007

Old Posts: I had a dream

I had a dream. An awful dream. A dream of you and me. Yes, you and me. Together again. You came back. You took away every horrid word you ever said to me. You asked me to forgive and forget For the past is gone and tomorrow will sure be a better day. You promised everything will be okay. You said that you now understand and feel why I was so true. You said you want nothing else but to have me back. And it was right. It was our night. Hand in hand, walked all night, Looking at each other's eyes. I learnt a lot from your hopeful eyes. You learnt a lot from mine. We both looked at the moonlight. That little ray of hope that comes from the sky. We saw the flowers blossoming in the silver light. We saw the stars move together to write our names in the open skies. We saw the power of God's creations coming to celebrate our night. We saw what it could be like to be eternally in love. You ask why I call such a dream an awful dream. Because I woke up. I woke up and you weren't there...

Old Post: November 4th, 2004

BECOMING A VIRTUAL ME Becoming a virtual me… To exist logically but not physically… To answer Shakespeare's question; to be or not to be… I decided to be a nameless, faceless entity in cyberspace… Let go of the gender, the age, the race and nation… Become an emoticon with a font.. A Me++ in cyberspace... A pixel, a dot, with no display picture… And why would I like to display what I don't have… I am faceless as the wind… See me however you please I am nameless like a dream… Or a nightmare.. Or both… Because virtually, dreams and nightmares are the same… They coincide in me… The me that I chose to be… The me that I don't understand.. The virtual me **M++ is a term by William J. Mitchell from his book "Me++: The Cyborg Self and the Networked City " CINKO Daddy, please come home… Where are you? And what is taking you so long? Mummy says, you don't love her anymore.. But you love me, daddy, don't you? So why not come for me… Daddy, you have to come take care o...


This post is a bit long, so bear with me. Let me tell you the story of the worst thing I ever did; maybe you'll find it useful, and avoid doing the same mistakes I did. But before I tell you the story, I have to tell you about my best friend, Merna. Merna has always been everything I couldn't be ; I sometimes despised her every action and sometimes wished I was her. We were friends since we were 12, but it has always been a love-hate relationship. Sometimes I felt, she only befriended me because she needed to boost her superiority. See, Merna was the pretty blond party-girl, with the fun loving careless charm; while I was the nerd with the long braid and eye glasses. She was the prom queen, every guy's dream girl, in school, university and to this day. I , on the other hand, was never that popular until my senior year in university, when my long braid was seen as hippie and rebellious by an intellectual few. Only then have I made friends. Only then have I started dating. I ...

Quote, Lyrics and In a moment of insanity

For today's post, I'll just put a quote from one of my favorite movies, and a line from one of my favorite songs. These represent my mood now. From Love Actually , Daniel : So what's the problem, Sammy-o? Is it just Mum or is it something else? Maybe... school - are you being bullied? Or is it something worse? Can you give me any clues at all? Sam : You really want to know? Daniel : I really want to know. Sam : Even though you won't be able to do anything to help? Daniel : Even if that's the case, yeah. Sam : Okay. Well, the truth is... actually... I'm in love. Daniel : Sorry? Sam : I know I should be thinking about Mum all the time, and I am. But the truth is I'm in love and I was before she died, and there's nothing I can do about it. Daniel: [laughs] Aren't you a bit young to be in love? Sam: No. Daniel: Oh, well, okay, right. Well, I mean, I'm a little relieved. Sam: Why? Daniel: Well, because I thought it would be something worse. Sam: ...

Old Post: Mirror

I haven't been to my late grandmother's house since I was a little girl. I remember she used to have in her bedroom, a huge wooden frame that contains different pieces of paper, pictures and other things she holds dear. No one was allowed to touch it, look at it or ask about it. It was her secret treasure. I remember seeing her talk to the frame a few days before she died, she said something like "I think it's my time to turn to dust now old friend" but I never understood what she meant then. I knew it was a dying person's intuition but never totally understood what she really meant. I went to grandma's house this morning to move some things there I saw the huge wooden frame and suddenly I was back to my six-year old self, curious to see what she was hiding there. As I moved closer, the first thing I saw was a piece of paper in her own handwriting, I'd like to share it with you…… I had an important wedding to go to a couple of years ago. I usually hate...

Can I ask you a favor? and the monkey story

We all sometimes have things to ask of people, maybe favors, embarrassing questions, asking someone out, asking for something you need...etc. Some people are too embarrassed to ask, or they fear rejections. These, in my opinion miss out on a lot of good things that could be given to them should they have had the courage to ask. On the other hand, some people are quite comfortable with asking you any favor however big, and really get offended when you say no. These being bolder, are often met with acceptance, but sometimes just because you are cornered into saying yes.. so you do the favor, but do it unwillingly. Trying to find middle ground between the two extremes; I came up with a technique. What I do is, I ask the question straight forward (men3'eir laff wala dawaran), yet manage to leave a way out. And if the person replies willingly, great. If they kept silence or commented on the way out, then ideally, I'd wrap it up and feel no offense. Here are some examples: - I would ...

Re-acquiring a bad habbit

A bad habit I re-acquired lately , is singing in my car. Now, the reasons I consider it catastrophic news, are the same reasons that made me try hard to quit in the first place; which in a nutshell are: I have a terrible voice, probably one of the worst you'd ever hear. I think this ,on its own, is a good reason to give singing up completely and never even contemplate on singing. Knowing that I am an expressive person by nature; I'm sure anyone driving beside me will find me completely ridiculous smiling, crying or making stupid faces as I sing! When I start to sing in the car, I basically recap on many of the songs that I enjoy, in turn , these songs stick in my head, and keep playing over and over and over again; which really doesn't help when I try to concentrate. I go back to remember the days of when I loved music so much, that I wanted to take voice training lessons (I have absolutely no talent in playing any musical instruments, so I thought, hey I'll just sing)....

"In my secret life" and a special dedication

Katie Melua's In my secret life lyrics. One of my favorite three managers in the world shed the lights on this amazing artist (Merci beaucoup K, vous êtes le meilleur), I fell in love with her instantaneously. I highly recommend her to everyone! Anyway, Nag, this song is dedicated to you, reminds me so much of our IBM talks , our London Emails, our Zamalek walks, and our crazy night phone calls when we're both lonely. Babe, I miss you.. come back! I leave all of you with the lyrics: In my secret life I saw you this morning, You were moving so fast. Can't seem to loosen my grip, On the past. And I miss you so much, There's no one in sight. And we're still making love, In my secret life. I smile when I'm angry. I cheat and I lie. I do what I have to do, To get by. But I know what is wrong, And I know what is right. And I'd die for the truth, In my secret life. Hold on, hold on, my brother, My sister, hold on tight. I finally got my orders, I'll be marchin...

A letter to you!

Oh my darling, how I wish you were here now , after the day I had. You couldn't possibly imagine how your absence is affecting me. My life is lifeless and shallow without you. Oh , darling, how I miss you so! You've been way for quite sometime now and I am counting the days, hours and minutes till you come. I waste my time through night and day waiting and waiting. And I wonder, is there a one percent chance that you feel the same way I do? My darling, be sure that I am not greedy nor selfish. I love you just the way you are. I love you knowing that you will never feel the same way for me. I love you knowing that all I can be , is just a tiny insignificant detail in your life. But, darling , it's fine, really! I never expected and never will expect anything in return. I might appear to crazy to my friends; but, the way I see it, is that love is the ultimate goal. To love you, is enough for me. To see you happy, makes my day. To have you to think about, fills my time. To wa...

And a good morning to you too!

On the way to work this morning, after parking my car , walking to the office building, I came across a hunchback in a white galabeya, holding a transparent plastic bag of groceries, and a big musehaf of Quran. I usually tend to stay away from people, but from the corner of my eye, I was watching him. He was so pleasant, in his white spotless galabeya and with a big smile, talking to all the men on the street, not the ladies out of courtesy. He was no beggar, contrary to what I thought at first, nor was he the "I am holier than thou" preacher. He was just a nice guy with a big smile, wishing everyone on the street happiness and good health. And when asked about his own health or affairs, he just smiled and said "Thank God". In my opinion, this hunchback is the best example of a religious Muslim. He's not going around preaching people , yet he is setting an excellent example of his beliefs that we, Muslims, should concentrate on; that is good manners. How har...
Studying for my new degree, I came across two words; "ازل" and "ابد". The first means what has no beginning, the second means what has no end. Imagine; something that existed before time began, or something that existed after time ends. It's such a fascinating concept, don't you think?!

The Ring!

-Oh, thank you, really. It's so beautiful. -Then wear it! -I can't. -Why not? -I told you before how I feel about rings. -Actually you didn't. -Can't you just accept that I don't wear rings and that's it? -I would have accepted that, if you didn't just say there's a story behind it. Now I'm curious -Baby, I really don't want to talk about it. -Then wear the ring. -Don't be stubborn -Who's being stubborn? Either wear the ring or tell me the point behind not doing so. I'm giving you a choice whereas you're not. -You won't like what you hear. -Try me! -humm. I made an oath not to wear a ring. -I'm listening - Every time I went into a relationship, my partner would give me a ring. And although I never wear rings, I'd wear it just for his sake. And he'd never want me to take it off, so out of respect I don't. Until my fingers get used to having a ring on, and start hoping for THE ring. And that's when it always ...