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Showing posts from June, 2010

Why I stopped blogging

Why did I take sometime off blogging? It's not that I wanted to deprive anyone of my oh-so-important updates. I stopped blogging, pretty much, because I wasn't sure why I was blogging in the first place. Makes any sense? I thought to myself ; it's not like I add value to the great wide web, I don't write a technical blog for instance where people can benefit from my vast knowledge and experience. I don't write a news blog where people are kept informed min by min of what's happening in the world. I hardly even write book/movie /restaurant review enough to clam its informative. I used to think of myself as an entertainer. I come from a family where we take pride in being so; hosting a dinner party or a Ramadan iftar is something to compete for. And added to that, the fact that I'm naturally talkative , was a perfect combo. I used to think what I write is witty and funny or even the sad stories where at least entertaining. Then came a point where I realized I...
Dear big wide internet void, I just wanted to share this slight update with you. I was feeling a little bored this last month, so I took upon myself so many initiatives and new mini-projects/ideas to keep myself busy/entertained. So, I will intentionally take some time off blogging. If you think you'll miss me, find a way to get in-touch. Till I write again Yasmine
I'm so tired of these games. One day I'll have the guts to say all what I hold inside me and ask you to either handle it or never talk to me again!

A quote by me

Sometimes I amaze myself with the words of wisdom coming out of my own mouth. You, lucky readers, have been blessed with the gift of me sharing this with you.. The good things always coming to an end doesn't dictate that the bad things have to stay . w 3agabi!

Why do we fall in love - quoted!

Following a conversation with my Meyo yesterday I remembered an amazing quote , or rather long scene, from a movie which I think is a very intelligent romantic comedy; The mirror has two face. "This is the scene at my sister's wedding. She's getting drunk, regretting that she got married for the third time. My mom's sprouting snakes from her hair in jealousy. lt was perfect ...We've got three feminine archetypes: The divine whore, Medusa and me. What archetype am l? The faithful handmaiden. Always the bridesmaid, never the bride. lt proves what Jung said all along. Myths and archetypes are alive and well and living in my apartment. As l stood beside the altar beside my sister and her husband to be,it struck me that this ritual, a wedding ceremony, is the last scene of a fairy tale. They never say what happens after. That Cinderella drove the prince mad by obsessively cleaning the castle. They don't say what happens after because there is no after. It wasn't...

Physics and Chemistry

We learned in physics that "Energy can not be created nor destroyed, but can only change from one form to another". But I was always a chemistry person myself, and in chemistry, the same can not be said about love! Can love be created? I don't know. I know it has a start, because you feel it growing inside you, with stimulants of course, but you do feel it growing. For one, I can always identify the moment where "love" started. In my humble opinion, I don't think you can force love, just like you can't force respect. You can pretend it, but you can't force start it. Can love be destroyed? Definitely! Lying, physical or emotional abuse, anger, infidelity ..etc can all kill love. And i say "can" not "will", as I don't quite get the equation of how forgiveness works in that context, but I know forgiveness can win a battle against anything. Can one change from one form to the other! Doubt it (ha2aoo)! Again my theory, is that it b...


اجزاء من كل شئ تتطاير في دماغي: اشخاص , ذكريات ,اماكن , و حتى الروائح و المذاقات. كله يحدث في نفس الوقت : قليلا منه بإختياري ومعظمه من تلقاء نفسه . و كأن القدر يلوح بالعصا السحرية ليجعل الوقت , ذلك العدو اللدود, يتوقف و رغم عزة النفس, فيجب علي أن اعترف, أن بينما أنا دائمة الانشغال بالصراع مع الزمن لأخذ كل ما تستطيع الحياة أن تمنحني, فقدت قدرة التأمل الداخلي لمعرفة خبايا نفسي. بينما انا أبحث حولي عن كل ما يضيف معنى للحياة , انشغلت عن استكشاف مدى قدرتي على التكييف مع تلك الحياة . دائما كنت ابحث عن الجديد و المثير لأحارب الوقت و أقتل الملل. دائما في انتظار شئ ما . حاولت الاقدار كثيرا ان تجعلني أقف لأتأمل و لكن بلا جدوى , فقد كنت عالقة بالمستقبل متناسية الحاضر و منذ ما يقرب العامين , حدث أول تغيير , بدأت اركض وراء الحاضر غير مبالية بالمستقبل , و بناءا على ذلك, فلت مني زمام الامور و أصبحت الان هائمة بلا حاضر استطيع التحكم فيه و لا مستقبل انتظره بشوق. و وجد نفسي في حاضر لم أختاره بعد انقضاء ذلك الحلم الجميل الذي سلبته الحياة مني. في هذا الحاضر المخيف احاول , و انا المهوسة بالتحكم , ان ا...
Sometimes, you amaze yourself by doing what you thought you'd never be capable of. Amazed as I am, I actually did it! I pushed myself to the deepest point in my soul and found some forgiveness. Yes , I did it; I let go of my hate and my anger. I gave what I thought I didn't have and man do I feel grand!